Monday, July 14, 2014

Left Brain Vs. Right Brain: The Eye Opening Insights

Crack Your Life have given you voluminous information about your brain and how it functions. However, this one is probably one of the most worthwhile to know. But wait, before presenting the data, we have some questions for you:
If you are philosophical and have a way with people, what side of your brain do you use most of the time? Is it the left or the right? If you are always driven to achieve, and always ready with a to-do list, do you prefer your brain’s right portion or the left? How about when you are rational, or emotional? What side of your brain do you use? When you are drawn towards creative projects, or say, love tinkering with numbers? Are you inclined to use the right brain or the left? It would be nice to know why we are attracted to certain activities and why we avoid some, right?
What is the relevance of this information, anyway? This graphic produced by will shed light on the matter.
Left brain, right brain

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